Sunday, November 25, 2007

Web 2.0 Tools

I found some really good sites among the award nominees. The one I was most attracted to was the Hosted Wikis - Wetpaint. Wetpaint was a winner in the Hosted Wiki category and it shows the most exquisite quilts. This same category also links to events, stitching tips and tools. It also leads you to music, games, entertainment and the arts.
The winner in the Events category is Upcoming which gives a calendar of events happening in Victoria for November and December. Interesting.
Here again though, I'm due back on desk and just don't have the time to explore further. Oh well, I have had fun exploring.

Zoho Writer

This seems to be a very quick way of having everything you need at your fingertips to create any word doccument or spread sheet all at one site. Could be a very useful tool to create pages for work (meeting minutes) or budgeting pages for your finance records at home.


Well, just in case you didn't happen to know, I really love quilting and Technorati has shown me others who are smitten with the same passion. This is a really quick way of finding out what others are doing in their quilting and it also gives links to the YouTube videos on quilting that I was so thrilled with.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This picture really says it all. Aside from the podcast fiasco, I have enjoyed this experience and will use what I have learned both at home and at work. I feel the time stated for each exercise needs to be extended though. Very often it took me longer than 45 minutes a week and due to the lack of off desk time at work I had to do a fair bit of Learning 2 at home.
Thank you for the opportunity to be included in the program, the format was excellent and I have learned much and gained more confidence in using the Internet

Downloadable audio books

I was amazed at the sheer number of audio books that are accessible, what a good idea. You just need to have access to a computer. It would be invaluable for our disabled patrons. Good readers too, which for me is a must and makes the experience most enjoyable.


This was not the best experience of the Learning programme. I had the worst time trying to register, it took me round and round in circles and since I only get one hour off desk a day, I just didn't have the time to keep trying. I listened to some of the podcasts and found that you have to go through so many to find exactly what you want. You really do need a lot of time for this and it is just something I don't have enough of.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This has been a real learning curve for me but one I've thoroughly enjoyed. I think of all the things we've done so far Quilting on YouTube is one I'll return to again and again. I was thrilled with being able to access all the really good teaching videos under this subject heading.
I thought Quilting with Buck was very funny and well done and wanted to share with everyone.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I enjoyed my tour through the Book Lovers Wiki and can see how useful it could be. The Youtube video by Commoncraft videos certainly explained the use of wiki for organising. This could be used in many ways in the library, eliminating the need for so many meetings and involving less travel between branches, at the same time allowing everyone involved an opportunity to air their oppinions and ideas.

Web 2.0

Information is constantly changing, being revised etc. We cannot just dig in our heels and say we want things to stay the same, this will only lead to the library becoming a dinosaur. As we are the "information lolly-shop", we must always be a step ahead so that we can give the best and most relevant service to our patrons. We must constantly be updating and so with the aid of the web we will continue to do so.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wow, I've died and gone to quilting heaven. I've got free quilting patterns coming out my ears, what a way to go! Some very useful tips for making quilting easy too. I think I'll do free knitting patterns next, then recipes, then....... I think Learning 2.0 has created a monster!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Library Thing

I found this exercise fascinating. It was amazing to me the number of people who like the same reading materials that I like to read. When you find someone who is like-minded, then you can see what else they read and perhaps try some new authors. It is also rather nice to see the book covers in living colour. Good stuff!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Site with interesting sunsets

If you like sunsets as I do click onto this site, it is absoultely fabulous.

Flikr #6 & #7

Created calendar page with a little help from my friend. Her's was better though because she used the picture from my blog, too bad our colour printer wasn't working.
Wikipedia gives a terrific definition of a Mashup and the difference between a Mashup and Portal. And here I thought a portal was something Dr Who travelled through. Is she blonde, well yes, funny you should say that!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Enjoyed this exercise. I can see why people spend so much time on the internet. I think I need to re-adjust my chair or perhaps a massage might be in order. Sounds good to me!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Sorento Sunset

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Technologically Challenged

Until now I always thought I was technologically challenged, after spending hours wading through ideas, other people's ideas and many false starts, I KNOW I AM TECHNOLOGICALLY CHALLENGED!!! Give me a knitting pattern or a quilting pattern any day and I can decipher problem!

However, we are to add a post regarding this science for week 3. I am not giving up you will be happy to know and hey I may even develop a keen interest in this thing. It just seems to take so long to get going and to actually feel confident with what you have written, confident enough that is to actually leave it on the blog.

I must say though that I am learning and enjoying what I am learning, however long it takes me.